2009年11月9日 星期一

One Time Pretty or Sustainable Normal

I wonder...
what kind of things can make people doing in a sustainable attitude
I am not talking about the work, study, and something you have to do because you need to

I am talking about the something we just do it for fun
For example, I saw too many one time romantic event, but none of anyone can practice for more than 3 times.
Does my ask is too much? or my dream is a fairytale?

Just found some truth, no one will treat you like your family
Just found the truth, no one is your perfect fit
All we can do is learn to become the perfect fit for each other, but I wonder if this can be done just by me?

Anyway, I am just complaining with some guys...
and just found the truth I never want to understand

2009年11月5日 星期四

Commitment VS Sense of entitlement

When you observing someone act something they think they can do that of course

you might tell me that is the sense of entitlement in everyone's mind

The fight happened when I think you should take some specific roles, but you do not think so

I keep thinking, why my sense of entitlement is disappearing, but find all I have is commitment

Although I rarely have some sense of entitlements, but treat commitment too seriously

I rarely make any commitment to anyone, because I treat this as the rules to do or not to do something

Here are some examples I observed recently.

One of my pervious friend, George, think he is my best friend, and should have some privilege

this sense of entitlement will destroy any relationship when you offend your best friend

Do not put your sense of entitlement in your life, like my mom said, there is nothing of course

By observing this, I start to understand the lesson from George is ...

Never think someone will always nice to you, there is no of course

However, by observing the Tiffany, I got some feeling same about her using her parents' money

I think I also use my parents' money, but I do not think I feel that the money is the of course

Then there is a conclusion that

there is no sense of entitlement except both sides of the trade agree with that

I called that is commitment.

without commitment, there is never has a sense of entitlement.